


Coaching is a developmental technique in which a coach supports a client/ coachee in achieving specific personal or professional goals. Coaching focusses on unlocking a person’s potential to maximise their development and personal growth. Our coaching services follow an integral approach to support individuals develop self-awareness, capacity and competencies to enable them to find new possibilities and opportunities to creatively respond to their challenges.

Have you ever thought about how it would be like to understand yourself better to bring about the following?

  • Personal growth
  • Improved relationships
  • Inner peace
  • Unlock your inner power, and
  • Realise your true potential?

Working with a coach empowers individuals to take responsibility for their own development and growth. They start to practise self-compassion and authentic ways of being that brings about a shift in their lives - from reacting to responding to their challenges and circumstances. Coaching opens up a new path to self-awareness, owning your own story and developing a new narrative.

Enneagram Coaching

Peak Health Wellness Solutions has accredited iEQ9 Practitioners trained and accredited by the Integrative Enneagram Solutions. We use the Enneagram in our coaching practice. Enneagram is a powerful starting point for coaching as it fast track insight, growth and integration for clients.
